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At Wesley Methodist Primary School we recognise the value of PSHE within our curriculum as it enables our children to develop knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, both in the present and in the future. We use the scheme 'Jigsaw' to support the teaching of our PSHE curriculum which includes Relationships, Health and Sex Education.  In addition to PSHE and RSE lessons, all children have access to Pastoral support to further demonstrate the importance of positive mental health. As outlined in the policy, parents have the right to withdraw their child from the Sex Education lessons (Conception and Pregnancy sessions in Year 6) but not from Relationships Education from Reception - Year 6.

 As you may already be aware, the Department for Education has announced changes to Relationships and Sex education following nationwide consultation. The statutory guidance focuses on healthy relationships and keeping children safe in the modern world. It also covers a wide range of topics relating to physical and mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding and healthy relationships. This statutory guidance can be viewed here.

Rights and Responsibilities - Being Me In My World

We continue to teach children about the UNCRC and ensure they feel that their rights are being met. There are four articles in the Convention that are seen as special. They’re known as the “General Principles” and they help to interpret all the other articles and play a fundamental role in realizing all the rights in the Convention for all children. They are:

Non-discrimination (Article 2)

Best interest of the child (Article 3)

Right to life survival and development (Article 6)

Right to be heard (Article 12)

The school council act as a platform for any suggestions to improve this further and this is linked to democracy in Britain. The School Council have an annual visit to the Town Hall, meeting with the Mayor in his Chambers. This continues the tradition and reputation the school has held in this area including representing the North West in the initial Children’s Parliament in 1999, at the Houses of Parliament. The school attained ‘First Place’ in Debating. This recognised the schools ‘outstanding contribution to encouraging good citizenship and greater understanding of sustainable development issues.’ 

Through this unit, children also learn about financial responsibility and how saving money can improve their future.  School rules are explored and compared to the rules of law.

Dreams and Goals

At Wesley Methodist Primary School we aim to develop children’s own aspirations and ability to learn independently. To have resilience and belief in their own ability to achieve their dreams and goals. To sustain drive and determination when faced with challenge and to celebrate the achievements of others. We all recognise how special and unique each child and member of staff is in our school family and recognise God’s gifts and love for all.

Shine like stars with joy

We celebrate our achievements, big and small, and show encouragement to others as they reach their goals.

Shine like stars through our talents

We understand that we all have unique and special gifts from God and know we can use these to have a positive impact on our world.


Healthy Me

Children learn about how keeping healthy can keep them safe. They explore the negative effects on their safety caused by lack of sleep, poor diet, sustained technology use and addictions. Children learn how to stay safe online and how to report suspicious activity.  They learn the importance of saying no to bullying and being assertive where possible. All children will learn the NSPCC Underwear rule 'PANTS' as well as the rules regarding road safety, water safety and stranger danger.  

Through this unit, children learn about the importance of exercise, diet, sleep and hygiene to our physical health. Children will also learn about the effects on their bodies of obesity, sun exposure, technology addiction and, in Year 5 and 6, drug and alcohol abuse. Children learn about their mental health and how to recognise and adapt to their emotional needs and the needs of others. They will learn basic first aid and, in Year 5 and 6, how to give CPR.  


Changing Me

Children will learn how their bodies grow and change and what to expect from these changes. They will learn the value of and importance of privacy. Children will learn strategies to cope with change and uncertainty and remain resilient and in control. In Year 5, children will learn how to prepare for puberty and in Year 6 about the scientific nature of conception and pregnancy.  These sessions are delivered by our School Nursing Team who also run a parental question and answer session before the lessons are delivered.  

Celebrating Difference

Children will learn to celebrate what makes them special and unique. They will explore the diverse world we live in and develop an understanding of different people, families and communities and their traditions.  Through books, children will learn about the struggles and successes of minority groups such as those from the LGBT+ community, those of different ethnic groups and those with visible and invisible disabilities. Our schools three Curriculum Drivers support valuing difference – Diversity, Culture and Knowledge of the World.

Shine like stars with patience

We understand everyone’s unique needs and show respect and care to all in our school and community.


Children will explore different people and different families. This will include learning about families of different races and cultures, living with grandparents or foster families; living in multiple homes; single-parent families and blended families; and families that have members from the LGBT+ community. The school has embarked upon a wonderful project with children from Uganda in the ‘Edukids’ initiative. This broadens our knowledge of the world and understanding of other cultures.

Children will recognise good friendships and know how to be a good friend. They will learn about peer pressure, both online and face to face and how to deal with this. They will learn to understand their own emotional needs and the needs of others and develop their emotional intelligence around the nature of changing feelings and the need to apologise as well as to forgive others (linked into our vision ‘Shine like Stars’ as children of God). Children will know the difference between teasing and bullying and know how to get support and how to support others.  

Shine like stars in showing kindness

We strive to make a positive difference to all others around us, particularly to those in the most need.