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How can I contribute?

Anyone from the extended Wesley family who has the school’s best interest at heart (Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, Friends etc) are welcome to join the PTA and bring whatever support can be offered, such as:

  • Time - helping out pre, during and/or after events (i.e. selling tickets, setting up, manning a stall, cleaning up afterwards)
  • Donations - such as items which can be sold at the tuck shop, decorations for events, raffle prizes etc.
  • Printing – designing posters, event tickets, printing, laminating. Clothing i.e. Yr6 hoodies
  • Discounts – for purchasing goods
  • Shopping for events
  • Contacting local businesses for raffle prizes/donations
  • Ideas to generate funds
  • Any other skills – such as designing, building, making gifts, managing websites/accounts etc.


The PTA sees a natural turnover of parents each year with people leaving due to children heading off to high school and new parents joining. 

If you can offer any amount of support, please contact us via the Wesley Methodist PTA Facebook page or the PTA e-mail address: