Current Pupil Premium Strategy 2021/24
As in previous years, WesleyMethodist Primary School will continue to use the pupil premium to improve the progress and attainment of our disadvantaged pupils. The disproportionately high impact of COVID-19 on the education of disadvantaged pupils makes this more important than ever.
For the academic years 2021 to 2024, we will:
- use our recovery premium alongside our pupil premium funding and report on the use of them as a single sum in our strategy statement
- publish our strategy statement by 31st December 2021 - this is to enable us to take the needs of our new Reception intake into account. This expenditure will then be evaluated each year.
- demonstrate how our spending decisions are informed by a range of evidence
Rest assured, our disadvantaged pupils will receive the support they need during the autumn term. Some of the ways we will support these children are:
- Additional opportunities to read to adults in school
- Targeted support throughout and beyond the school day in phonics, reading and maths
- Subsidy of trips and visitors to broaden life experiences and gain a sense of awe and wonder
- A wide range of clubs and enhancements to enable children to develop and strengthen talents and interests
- Interventions, nurture groups, friendship circles and 1:1 counselling to support mental health and wellbeing
- Family support from our pastoral and attendance team.